Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Weekend in Harare!

Gracie sitting by herself, coming back from Harare!

I awoke about 430 this morning to a call from maternity. They had another mother who had labored to long somewhere else and needed an urgent Csection. For a second, I forgot we were back at Karanda! So I grabbed my stuff, and off I went in. Another busy day at Karanda ahead. Fortunately everything went well with that mom and her baby. A great start to the Day!

We just returned from a weekend trip to Harare. It was a nice to get a little break, and get to the big city for a couple of days. Going to Harare is always a fun time for our family. After a long time of being so isolated at Karanda its awesome just being able to drive in a car. Our weekends our usually predictable. A lot of pizza and Chinese food. Both are a welcome change to making food from scratch, cleaning a sink full of dishes, and they taste great too. I'm still not sure if the food is really as good as we think or if are just so ready for “quick and easy” that anything would taste good. Either way the pizza and Chinese were great, and we even had burgers and ice cream one day as well.

Beau with his rubber band(head band) that he wore for 4 days straight!

The main challenge to our weekends back at Harare is the Grocery shopping. Shopping for 1 month at a time is quite the challenge. Fortunately we've gotten used to the stores here, so its gotten much easier. We usually have 4 main stops including: a cheese store, meat store, vegetable store, and a general store. Shea in particular, has it down to quite a science so our trips have gotten much more efficient. The kids and I also got some pool time. There is a really nice pool at the guest house, and Beau really loves getting some time to swim.....even if the water is cold.

A little Pool Time!

One of the other highlights of Harare, is getting to spend some time with the missionaries stationed in Harare. There is really a great group of Godly men and women in the city, and it great to spend some time with them and their families. Several of them had us over for meals, and they all love playing with the kids, and we have come to treasure there stories and advice.

Of course for me, the biggest highlight was getting to watch the Super Bowl. Doug Everswick, one of the long term missionaries in Harare, was able to get the satellite to pick up a live feed from the the game at 130 am local time. It was awesome just to watch some football, let alone watch my favorite team take home the Lombardi Trophy. Even Beau woke up with me for a couple of hours and enjoyed some pop corn. What an awesome game....Go Pack Go!

The other great blessing from the weekend was the lady I wrote about several days ago. When we left on friday she was still not very alert, and still critically anemic. When we returned, I found out she was able to get 2 units of blood over the weekend, and is now alert, holding her baby, and making enough milk to keep her baby fed. Praise the Lord!

Beau and Gracie heading out to go exploring!

It looks like they found a hideout!

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