Thursday, January 20, 2011

Back in Zimbabwe

We made it! Our trip to Zimbabwe took about 3 days. We had a few unexpected delays, and challenges but overall went as smooth as we could have asked for. Its good to be back in Zimbabwe! Its been really nice coming back to a familiar place.

The kids have both adjusted to jet lag quite well. Gracie was sick for the first week of our trip, but is now back to normal and full of smiles again! Oh yeah, and back to annoying her brother again! She also found Beau and Abbie's old chairs from last year and realized that she is now big enough to use them. Also, dad thought it would be a good idea to give her a little play-do while I was cleaning up. I had no idea she would put it in her hair, nose, ears, and of course belly button.
Beau is doing well too! He's back to chasing bugs and lizards and anything that moves. He's also enjoying playing soccer with some of the other local kids in the area. Oh yeah and he still loves climbing on the jungle gym out back!
My favorite quote of Beau's so far happened on the night we spent in Ethiopia. After trying for about an hour to get him to sleep. He said: "Dad, why is the sun broken?" I said: "What do you mean? He replied: "Well I don't think its night night time right now, but its still dark?"

Looks like Beau has a cold!

Shea and I have jumped back into work at the hospital. As always its quite busy. Between the wards, operating room, delivery room,  and outpatient clinic.....there is always something going on. We've both enjoyed being able to get right back into the swing without the steep learning curve as last year. We've already seen a lot interesting pathology, strange diseases, and several tragic stories...including snake bites, a crocodile attack, and a surprise twin c-section. The medicine is always a lot of fun, but its really just a tool to allow us into the lives of these wonderful people. I think the best part for both of us is getting to rekindle many of the relationships of the last year.  
We have already seen God work tremendously in allowing us to get our visas.  When we arrived in the country, we had a temporary work visa that was valid through Jan 27th, 2011.  We tried to get a 30 day visitor visa when we arrived at the airport, but they wouldn't allow it. They told us to go to immigration.  At immigration, they started a "file" on it, and told us to return in a few days.  Our hospital is located 3 hrs from immigration, so another missionary that lives in Harare went to follow up on it for us.  He just emailed us and notified us that they extended our visa for 60 more days, for free.  Awesome!  This was more than we expected, as we were planning on have to take a couple thousand dollar trip out of the country to be allowed to get a second 30 day visa.  Praise God!  It has all been taken care of and we do not have to pay another dollar.
Many of you have contacted us by email and have told us that you are praying for us.  Thank you so much.  Our health has been great and as long as the Internet allows we will continue to keep you updated on the things God is doing here.
The Epperlys


  1. The kids are so big now!! May God really use you the short time you are in Zim. We will be following you on your blog.

  2. great pics! you all look happy....why not? you are truly being God's hands. malinda
