Monday, January 24, 2011

Physical Therapy in Zimbabwe

    Beau and I walked down to the rehab room, Beau was very excited that we could bring some braces for other children that needed them too!  He ran into the room and handed one to Ms. Oshe, she is the rehabilitation therapist here a Karanda Hospital.  We refer many things to her from post operative rehab to congenital problems.  She does geriatrics, orthopedics, and pediatrics. We had the opportunity to bring new supplies to Ms. Oshe. The supplies were donated by Team Rehab's physical therapist Lisa Krieg. 
     Now how we came to now 'Miss Lisa', as Beau refers to her is an interesting story.  Of course, our insurance company has it's "in network" physical therapists. I heard about Team Rehab when we moved to New Hampton from one of the local physical therapy aides .  I called our insurance company to see if they were in our "network" and I was told that they were.  That same day, Lisa had an opening due to a cancellation, so I drove Beau to Decorah.  Beau immediately bonded with her and after some conversation, we found out that Lisa had grown up in Nigeria, as a missionary child.  We had a lot of good conversations about serving in Africa.  Lisa even tried to arrange her and her husband to come on this trip with us to Karanda, but do to the many details that needed to be worked out in order for them to leave their business, they were not able to accompany us this time.  Lisa did send us with many orthotics and two pair of pediatric crutches.
As it turns out, Team Rehab, is not in our network. If it wasn't for that first lady who told me that it was, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet Lisa or have their supplies donated here at Karanda.  It is  awesome to look back over the past 2 years and see how God used Beau's stroke to work for the good.  I am sure God will continue to use Beau to help us grow, learn, and even reach more people for Christ. 
The Epperlys 

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